Aidan Farm

Sitio Bunga, Bueno, Capas, Tarlac, Philippines

Pastors' Conference at Jim Walters Retreat Center

Gleaming eyes, filled with tears, expressed the joy the Aeta pastors and their families, Immanuel Bible School students felt seeing the mission team. The Aeta people saw the team as representatives of the love of our Lord Jesus. The Pastors' conference was launched with a General Assembly led by Pastor Natividad and Pastor Brad Matherne.

There are no roads in most Aeta villages and their dream is to have a Carabao. That's why Pastor Jonie Sumawang was thrilled to be the recipient of a Carabao named "Hampson" in 2017. Also, over 12 goats were distributed to the new SOCI pastors.

45 Aeta Pastors received a stipend of $20/month each for the next 6 months.

Over 300 attendees enjoyed fellowship and lunch together. The Mission Team also performed a foot washing ceremony for the Aeta Pastors.

Washing of the foot ceremony for the Aeta Pastors.
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